Parents On Campus ~ Welcome!

"Too often we underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word, alistening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, allof which have the potential to turn a life around". ~Dr. Leo Buscaglia,Ph.D.
Parents On Campus
Parents on Campus program is a school safety program dedicated to
promoting a safe and friendly environment for all members of the school
community. The program is based on the belief that
increased adult visibility on campus will reduce safety-related
distractions and provide our middle school students with the sense of
security and stability they need in order to do their best. Parents on Campus is not a security patrol; rather, it is a high visibility, volunteer program which promotes a positive parental presence.
Volunteer for a Day!
Volunteer for a Day allows parents who are interested in taking a day to spend at Post to help out in a variety of areas. Your
day could start based on the time you have to give. It may include
morning connection with students, support in classrooms, office,
lunchroom and hallway support throughout the day. You can choose to have lunch with your student or support our lunchroom duty during that time. Feel free to pair up with a friend to volunteer together! This too promotes a positive parental presence and allows parents to experience a day in middle school!
Help When You Can!
We love volunteers and support! Just give us a call and let us know when you would like to volunteer and we will match you up with staff in need. We have a few electives teachers who can always use an extra hand as well!
PTSA support
The PTA does an amazing job to support Post Middle School and can use your help! They are always seeking volunteers to help with our yearly auction, support PTA sponsored activities and attend PTA meetings. A
great start would be to sign up for a PTA membership – it is only $9
and keeps you connected to your child’s school through these middle
years! Another easy way to help out is to collect box tops and send them in with your student the last Friday of every month!
You can drop a note of interest to the office or contact Paul Dobberfuhl, Volunteer Coordinator at school, p[email protected] for more information.
You will need an updated background check form completed as well.
Our students and staff are grateful for your support!