school Hours

Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Gates open in the morning at 7:30 a.m.

office hours

Monday thru Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


udpdate Post Families
This is a quick reminder to those families that have not done so, please fill out your ANNUAL STUDENT INFORMATION UPDATE in Family Access (Skyward).
This update provides us with the most current information such as an address change, emergency contact information, health information and attendance acknowledgement.

As always, if you need assistance accessing your parental Skyward account, please contact the office during the hours of 8am-3pm

Google Classroom and Skyward 
Gradebook Tips for Parents

Mr. Davis - Arlington High School Physics and Science Teachers walks
parents and kids through Google Classroom and Skyward Gradebook
to help everyone keep track of assignments, work completion, resources
and grades! Thank you Mr. Davis for helping us all stay on the same page!!!!


Post Parents Connect with the Principal

Principal Leslie Olson is available by appointment, please contact the Post Middle School office
360-618-6450 or email [email protected].

Get Your Public Library Card
Our local libraries are a great resource for students. Click here to find out how to get your library card and find a library near you! 

Library Book Cart.png

Welcome to Post Middle School

Post Middle School is located in Arlington, Washington. We believe in the success of all students and strive to serve every student, every hour, every day.
Visit our Facebook page for daily updates!

Post Middle school news


The Post Middle School office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

  • Please Get Involved!
    Joining PTSA is the best way to support your student and our school community. We love having parents on campus and supporting us. We have many different ways this year to be involved both in person and virtually. We want families involved! Our PTSA holds monthly meetings and has virtual options to participate and attend. All information can also be found on our Post PTSA Facebook page.
  • Getting Important School Information
    We share important information in our monthly family newsletters, voice messages, text messages, weekly progress reports emailed home, our Post website, and our Post Facebook page. Our goal is to ensure parents have the information they need in a timely manner. If you have questions, please feel free to call the main office so we can help you. Please keep your eyes open for these communications!
  • Communication with Teachers and Staff
    Communication with teachers and staff is an important component of collaboration to support each student. Email is the best way to communicate with teachers. Most teachers see well over 100 (or up to 180 students) per day. Our staff does our best to respond in 24 hours and to meet the needs of each learner and family. If you have a question or concern, contacting the teacher directly is our first step in problem solving and opening communication.
  • Student Planners
    Post will supply a planner for each student. These are required daily for all students and if lost or damaged the student will be charged for a replacement. All teachers and staff are committed to using the planner and we highly encourage families to look regularly at their student’s planner in combination with progress reports emailed home each Sunday to support any missing assignments, projects and studying.
  • Student Support Advocates (SSA)
    Post has a SSA on site a few days a week to support students and families through community connections. They can support a variety of needs that include finding community mental health support, clothing, housing, or other social service needs.
  • Student Handbook
    Please see the student handbook with important information along with policies and procedures. You can find it linked here.
  • Chromebooks
    For the 24-25 school year, Chromebooks will be available in classrooms and we will ONLY check out upon student/family request with a Device Protection Plan (linked here) completed. This will ensure that we have charged Chromebooks available for instructional needs and reduce the large amount of damaged or unusable computers each day. There are options to have Chromebooks checked out upon request and for short term project needs (similarly to a library book) or for the entire year based on individual family needs. If checked out, it will be required that the Chromebook be charged and brought to school daily as in previous years.
    Parents will still have to opt in a contract of responsibility and that must be signed for students to be allowed to check out a Chromebook at any time. Parents who elect to NOT opt in a contract of responsibility, students will have access to Chromebooks at school only. Requests for individual Chromebook checkout should be sent to our Librarian Mrs. Kleinman at [email protected] and will be processed during the first month of school.
  • Cell Phones- Post is a Cell Phone Free Zone
    Post is a cell free zone from arrival on campus-end of the school day. Students are asked to keep their phones silenced in their backpacks at all times during the day. If they need to reach a parent they can ask an adult and check into the office where they can use the office phone or their personal phone with permission. We are not allowing any social media access during the school day on any personal or school device.
  • Academics and Support
    Each week we pull a report looking at students who are not passing classes. To support collaboration and communication with families we have progress reports emailed on a weekly basis. We encourage parents to log into Skyward with your student and check for missing assignments to get completed. Academic resources and assignment materials are located in Google Classrooms. We have teachers available for extra help starting at 7:30am or by appointment after school. Please reach out directly to your student’s teachers for specific questions or your school counselor for assistance. We appreciate your partnership in supporting your student at Post. These emails go out on Saturdays to support parent communication.
  • W.I.N. Period
    Mondays-Thursday we have a support period for all students to work on individual learning needs and goals that may include extra help in an area, support with an assignment, an extension of higher level learning, a group project, and a weekly Character Strong lesson on Mondays. This time is attached to first period classes for most students. This time is about 25 minutes each day and the group/class sizes are smaller in order to work to ensure all students are getting their needs met. We will share each month in our family newsletter information to keep families informed.
    Our district adopted a Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum called Character Strong. Post will be starting our 3rd year of implementation. To learn more about Character Strong please visit The scope and sequence of lessons by grade level can be found on our website linked here.
  • Dress Code
    We work hard to provide a positive learning environment at our school and students are required to come to school dressed appropriately as we prepare them for the workplace. Please be sure your student is not wearing clothing with logos that reference drugs, alcohol, sex, violence, or contain messages that put down any individual or groups of people. Also, please be sure your student leaves the beach and/or bedroom attire at home. Establishing an environment that is suitable for an educational setting is critical to success. Appropriate attire should not expose the stomach or chest, and shorts, skirts, dresses, etc should extend onto a student’s thighs so as not to be inappropriately too short. Please speak with your student about these important dress code reminders with the weather getting warmer and know that our intent is to work collaboratively with you and your student to best prepare every student for their future. Violations will result in an administration-led conversation about expectations and contact home. This expectation and message was also shared with Arlington High School students and families to support district consistency for students and families.
  • Updated Student Recognition for this Year
    We are excited to share updates to student recognition this year. Recognizing and celebrating students' achievements is an essential part of fostering a positive and encouraging school environment. Some student recognition events to watch for include:
    - Student of the Month Recognition at Lunches - Semester Honor Roll Recognition and Morning Reception - End of Year Awards Assembly
    If you have ideas, suggestions or want to support, send an email to Angie Kyle.
  • Sports and Activities
    Post offers 4 seasons of sports for 7th & 8th graders. 6th graders can participate in Wrestling ONLY. 
    - Fall (Sept-Oct)- Co-ed Cross Country (Starting on 9/4 2:45pm- 4pm) - Winter 1 (Nov-Jan)- Girls’ Volleyball & Boys’ Basketball - Winter 2 (Feb-Mar)- Girls’ Basketball & Co-ed Wrestling - Spring (Apr-May)- Co-ed Track & Field
    We are not able to offer JV teams for Basketball and Volleyball this year due to league and budget reductions. This means that we will have Varsity only and will lead to cuts.
    We highly recommend that families check out the Arlington Boys and Girls Club for additional recreational opportunities.
    - Athletic Clearance - FinalForms: online platform here.
    FinalForms Step by Step Instructions.pdf
    ***IMPORTANT: All forms must be completed in FinalForms before students are allowed to participate.
    - Current Sports Physical (forms may be printed out or your doctor can use their own. Sports Physicals are good for 2 years).
    - ASB card - $15.00
    - Athletic Participation Fee - $50.00 (fee max: 3 out of 4 seasons, per athlete).
    Athletic Participation Fees will be sent via email to guardians to pay. This fee MUST be paid prior to the first game/match. Once we have a complete roster we will process these as "fines" so that guardians are not paying any unnecessary fees. These fines will be sent via email after practices begin.
    Please reach out to Megan Downing, Athletic Secretary, at [email protected] or 360-618-6450 with any questions or concerns.

2024-25 School Supplies Check out the Post School Supply List for everything you need to start the year!

Post Drop-off/Pick-up Please take note of the following diagram to ensure that drop-off/pick-up happens more efficiently.

Health Services Information

Health Services Resources

Severe/Inclement Weather Information
Severe_Inclement Weather Plan.pdf
2 Hour Late Start Schedule.docx

Post Middle School creates a safe and caring environment for students
The teachers and staff at Post Middle School want to make sure our school is a safe and caring place for your child. As stated in the school board policies and procedures and in our family handbook, harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated in our school. Our teachers and staff go through training at the beginning of the year to recognize the signs of harassment, intimidation and bullying and report such behavior accordingly.

If a student feels harassed or threatened in some way, they can make a complaint at the school. Informal reports may also be made to any staff member. Such complaints will be appropriately investigated and consistently handled. Students may also submit a report using the SafeSchools Alert incident reporting system that’s available on the front page of our school’s website.

Your child’s safety and wellbeing is a priority for us. We want them to thrive in a positive environment that promotes learning. Please call our main office if you have any questions.